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Hi I am Lou, I am a dedicated Professional Holistic and Massage Therapist. I provide a variety of  therapies within my services, they all offer a balanced approach for the mind, body and spirit. I have been on a long healing journey which I believe helps me to understand and empathise. My Spiritual path and some therapies have helped me personally to heal and I have identified that healing others is my path. I have learned that it is vital to take time out to re-energise and re-balance. I believe that we are all capable of leading happy joyful lives but we sometimes need a little help to activate the healing power within us to help us achieve this.


Crystal Therapy Treatments


After an interest in crystals from the age of 11, I was amazed at the effects that these beautiful solid minerals had. I initially intended to utilise these in Reiki treatments but I quickly learned that these were powerful enough on their own after I undertook Usui Reiki (Master/Teacher) Level.


What stress does to the body


Stress triggers the adrenals to secrete adrenaline and cortisol which put the body into flight or fight mode. If you find that you are not achieving a restful sleep, find it difficult to concentrate, have low energy, breathe rapidly or you experience tense muscles, this can signify adrenaline drive, where the body does not switch off the adrenaline. Over time this depletes the immune system and can cause problems for the digestion system.




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