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 Angelic Reiki

Angelic Reiki is the pure joy of working hand in hand with the Angelic Kingdom of Light.


Equally as effective as 'Reiki', in that it manages, mental, emotional and physical health.


The difference between the two is that:


Usui Reiki is the use of 'Universal Life Energy', transferred from the healer (me) to the recipient (you). 


Angelic Reiki is a powerful - yet gentle hands on healing system, that allows very high vibrational energies, intelligent 'Beings of Light' (Angels) work upon your body to help release any 'issues' you may have. 

So unlike Usui Reiki where 'I' carry out the attunement, human to human, within the Angelic Reiki healing system, the attunements are done by the Angelic Kingdom of Light and given to each individual by their own healing Angel.  Within Angelic Reiki, there is no linage and no room for human error, as the healing comes straight from the Angel.


Whenever a healing session is given, it is the Angelic Kingdom of Light and the dedicated healing angel that are responsible for the healing process.  'I', just hold the space and will not interfere with the process.  I am a bridge, a pure channel between yourself and the angel.


Angels know everything about us, they know and understand our sadness, anxiety, worry, mindset and the root cause – which are held and suppressed deep within the cells of our body. They know exactly what vibration we are emitting.


These highly advanced ‘Beings of Light’, see us as one body of light and work upon our entire energy field, which is often referred to as the four-body system – which incorporates our physical, spiritual, emotional and mental states. It is from within this system that the healing angels remove all kinds of blockages – not only from this life, but past lives and across all time and incarnations.  This healing system really does enable you to move forward.



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