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Reiki – An Effective Treatment to Manage Stress Levels


Modern life has many advantages but can also impose high stress levels that can sometimes go beyond what is reasonable. Life can be fast paced with long working hours, juggling family and home demands. We have somehow developed an unhealthy belief that relaxation is not an effective use of time.

What is Reiki I hear you ask?

‘Rei-ki’ is a Japanese word which translates into ‘Universal – Life energy’

A Reiki treatment is very simple. You, the recipient remain fully clothed. Loose, comfortable clothing is best and you would usually lay on a treatment couch. However, you can receive healing in a seated position if you prefer or if a disability prevents you from lying down.

I gently position my hands in non intrusive positions on or near areas of your body. There is no massage or manipulation involved. I treat the whole person rather than specific areas. Reiki is a non intrusive treatment with no known contra indications.

Receiving a Reiki treatment

Reiki healing is a form of laying on of hands. I will, move through a series of around 20 hand positions on the patient and dwell for a few minutes in each one. During this period, Reiki energy will be transferred through the healer to the patient. This energy will be used by the patient's body to help with his or her problems.

It is very relaxing and is a gentle therapy that works with the energy system of the body. Our bodies have an inbuilt intelligence that repairs and renews cells and Reiki boosts this process. The Reiki energy allows the mind to slow down and relax, shifting from the stressor dominance of the sympathetic nervous system to the relax, rest and replenish aspect of the parasympathetic nervous system. This then initiates the instinctive healing of our immune system.

If you are unable to come to me for a Reiki session, I can send it to you remotely, or to a person of your choice.

It works like this; I need the name if you have chosen someone other than yourself, we will discuss the 'issues' you would like me to work on and we agree a date and time, suited to both, for the healing session. 5 mins before the agreed time, I ask that you, lie down or sit comfortably in a desired place you will not be disturbed for the duration of the healing session time. You may burn incense or an oil of your choice and play some comforting music. During the healing session, I will channel the Reiki healing to you.


Other benefits


Reiki can reduce pain, tension in the muscles and help release mental and emotional stress. It raises and refreshes the spirit and provides a deep sense of peace and calm that helps restore a positive mind and outlook, making the treatment a good choice to reduce stress.

Explanation of a 'Healing Crisis'


When having an Holistic treatment or starting a course of them, you can feel super great, but then you can feel worse after, this may be caused by experiencing a ‘healing crisis’.

Please do not think that something is wrong or the treatment is not helping, as this is definitely not a sign of this, it is actually quite the opposite.

A healing crisis can happen to absolutely anyone and in some cases it might not happen to others at all, you may experience it after a course of treatments, or at regular intervals despite having had many treatments over a number of years.

We are so much more than our bodies and Reiki especially, flows to stimulate self-healing at a very deep level, by balancing our spiritual, mental, emotional and physical being.

So what does a healing crisis feel like…

Sometimes, it shows itself, as if the problem you have wanted and wished to get relief from has re-occurred bringing up mixed emotions and in some cases can bring physical symptoms.  Please do not be alarmed as this is temporary and is always due to a healing crisis.

It is an indication that you are re-balancing  and clearing away, all that does not serve its purpose any longer.

How I offer it, simply is that – Reiki is ‘energy’ and I am ‘filling’ you with good energy and the old stagnant, built up emotions, has got to go, so it comes out (sometimes) as a healing crisis.

The healing process can indeed, be hard work and think of it, as we are ‘de-cluttering ourselves’, it can be a long process, more often than not, clients do not experience anything after the 1st session, as a practitioner we are taught to advise clients, that results can be seen after 3 or more therapies, however, if you do experience a healing crisis at any stage, be assured it will pass.

Plenty of water is highly recommended, as this will help the body with releasing toxins and if you do feel tired, please rest.

At any time, please contact me for any further information, or just to ‘chat’ about what you may be experiencing.  Part of my ‘aftercare’ is that I will always contact you the day after having any Holistic Therapy from me.                                        


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