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Animal Reiki - £50 for 45  minutes (may incur additional costs for travel)

Animal Reiki is offered in your own surroundings. It is an offering of Reiki to all animals, as they have chakra too, but if the animal does not allow me to put 'hands on', I can also offer it to them remotely.


Animal Massage - £50 for 60 minutes (may incur additional costs for travel)


If massage benefits people, why shouldn’t it help animals as well?


Benefits of Massage to any animal, if you see any of the following:


Lameness/Limping     Stiffness     Signs of Ageing     Arthritis     Cry/Yelping in Pain


Difficulty in moving, particularly up and down stairs or reluctance to walking      Signs of Ageing


Twitching down their back     Nervous/anxious/shy     Performance issues - Agility/Jumping


A Full Body Massage, will be done by using a light massage technique and stretching of a particular area, if the need be.  I will not just treat the areas of concern, your animal will get a full work out.  I will adapt the treatment to suit the needs of your animal and situation as each animal is an, individual so no treatment is ever the same.


As in a lot of 'Alternative Therapies' your animal may experience a 'Healing Crisis'.  This is when the animals body, restores its natural balance and begins to heal itself.  It shows itself, by a temporary increase in symptoms during the cleansing process, which may be mild or severe.  Your animal may feel worse for the first 24 - 48 hours after I have treated them and you may come to the conclusion that the treatment is not working.  The 'Crisis' is a perfectly normal reaction and sets the body to renew, restore and regrow, damaged cells.


Signs and symptoms may include:  


Lethargy     Increase in sleeping     Very quiet     Frequent urination     Increased thirst     


Increased joint/muscle pain (you may see lameness for up to 48 hours).

Colour Therapy - £30 for 30 minutes

Colour is absorbed by the eyes and skin. Our ‘magnetic energy field’ or aura and the energy of colour affects us on all levels, physically, spiritually and emotionally. Every cell in the body needs light energy, thus colour energy has widespread effects on the whole body. There are many different ways of giving colour, I use colour silks, crystals and hands on healing. The colour of the clothes we choose to wear, our environment we work or live in, they all affect our mood and mindset.


Crystal Healing Therapy £40 for 30 minutes


Holding crystals or placing them on your body, promotes physical, emotional and spiritual healing. Crystals do this by positively interacting with your body's energy field, or chakra. By balancing the energy body and removing energy blocks, crystal healing helps in healing all kinds of issues and problems in life like chronic pains and illnesses, trauma, stress, anxiety, tension, depression and more. It also helps in healing various emotional and psycho-spiritual issues.  I will also use my crystal wands to chanel the negative energy in your body and work on those parts that need repair.

Chakra and Aura Cleansing - £40 for 30 minutes

There are 7 main energy centres in the body, known as chakra. Each chakra is located throughout our body, each energy centre also houses our mental and emotional strengths. When we have a physical issue, it creates weaknesses in our emotional behaviour. When we release the stale energy from the body, it can undo any tightness, stiffness, or malfunction of that area. The clearing of the energy can also balance our emotional state of mind. The clearing of the energy can also balance our emotional state of mind.  

Usui Reiki (Master/Teacher) level - £50 for 45 minutes

Reiki is an ancient healing practice that originated in Tibet and was rediscovered by Dr Mikao Usui in Japan in the 1920’s. Although, energy healing has been prevalent in many cultures through the ages. The word Reiki means universal life force energy which is channelled to the recipient to cleanse and calm the mind, body and energy system. Reiki is very relaxing and is a gentle therapy that works with the energy system of the body. Our bodies have an inbuilt intelligence that repairs and renews cells and Reiki boosts this process. The Reiki energy allows the mind to slow down.


Angelic Reiki  - £50 for 45 minutes


Angelic Reiki was 'born' in 2002 and was the start of something new.  Angelic Reiki is a powerful, yet gentle hands on, healing that allows very high vibrational energies.  Intelligent 'Beings of Light' (Angels) work upon your body, through me, to help release physical, ancestral, emotional imbalances, which allows divine light to flow through you clearing your mind, body and soul of clutter allowing you to move forward.


Bespoke package of traditional Usui & Angelic Reiki - £70 up to 1 hour


With traditional Usui Reiki, the source of energy comes from the practitioner. However, in Angelic Reiki, both the recipient and practitioner are connected to pure divine energy through the Angelic Kingdom of Light. This means that the source of the high vibrational energy comes from the  Angelic Kingdom of Light, and the reiki practitioner simply transmits this energy by placing their hands on the patient’s body and calling upon the Angels.   So the combination of the two therapies is more powerful.


Childrens costs (A child is 12 and under):  I have a full DBS in place...parents are more than welcome to stay.


Children's cost for Reiki or Angelic Reiki is £35 for 30 mins


Reiki is very effective on children too, as it is a relaxing and a non-intrusive therapy. 


Reflexology on Babies and children (12 and under)  - £25 for 20 - 30 minutes.


Reflexology is also effective on babies and children, great for colic, teething, not sleeping well, unsettled and anxiety in older children.  It is safe, non-intrusive, gentle and will nurture and comfort

your baby or child.

 For massage prices, please ask 


Various massages I am qualified to offer


Massage aids the release of endorphins, which are the body’s natural painkillers.  Massage is now an important part of physical rehabilitation programs and is extensively used in the treatment of a wide spectrum of health conditions including back ache, arthritis, fatigue, depression, infertility and diabetes among several others.


The massages below are more of a relaxation therapy


A relaxing massage calms down your breathing and slows down your heart beat. This is referred to as a ‘relaxation response’. The relaxing sensation in turn boosts the level of a hormone called ‘serotonin’. Serotonin has a positive impact on our emotions and feelings. This is why one experiences an overall feeling of well-being during and after a massage session.

Full Body Aromatherapy or Swedish Massage (includes face and head) - £75 for 80 minutes


This will be a full body aromatherapy or Swedish massage, including the face and head.  Essential oils used (for aromatherapy massage), will be of the finest quality and with their restorative properties will relax and heal your body and mind.  Your massage and the essential oils I choose will be tailored to your specific needs and I will prepare a unique blend, freshly prepared for your treatment


Full Body Aromatherapy or Swedish Massage - £65 for 60 minutes


Aromatherapy massage is a Swedish massage therapy using massage oil or lotion that contains essential oils (highly concentrated plant oils). During an aromatherapy massage, you inhale these essential oil molecules or absorb them through your skin. Swedish Massage is done by using a base oil, such as almond or coconut only.   Some of the health benefits of both of these massages include its ability to reduce anxiety, ease depression, boost energy levels, speed up the healing process, eliminate headaches, boost cognitive performance, induce sleep, strengthen the immune system, reduce pain, improve digestion and increase circulation.


Back, neck & Shoulders, Aromatherapy or Swedish Massage - £40 for 30 minutes


Using a blend of pure essential oils, which I have freshly prepared for you,  this 30 minute back, neck and shoulder massage will relieve stress and tension and will continue to be beneficial as the therapeutic oils penetrate the skin and relax the body long after treatment.  Similar effect is you chose the Swedish Massage, where I use only a base oil.


Full Body Hot Stone Massage - £65 for 60 minutes


Benefits of Hot Stone Massage are amazing, Reduces: Muscle Spasm, stress, pain and stiffness.
Aids in managing Anxiety and depression.  Helps boost blood pressure control and immunity.
Combining hot stone protocols with a full body massage provides a very healing and effective experience. The hot stones also expand blood vessels, which encourages blood flow throughout the body.


Hot Stone Massage - Back and shoulders - £45 for 30 minutes


The hot stones have a sedative effect that can relieve chronic pain, reduce stress and promote deep relaxation.  This will include a massage on the back, aided with the stones.


Full body Thai Herbal Compress Massage (Includes face) - £75 for 80 minutes

£65 to not include face for 60 minutes


This Thai healing medicine practice of Herbal Compress Massage, goes back to the ancient knowledge of healing properties of plants and herbs and their application on the body.  Thai herbal treatments are used to soothe and to relieve pain and inflammations.  Important in the application are the selection of herbs with therapeutic qualities, then wrapped in a compress.

The technique can offer a variety of health benefits such as, stress relief, relaxation, alleviating fatigue, soothing muscles, tendons and ligament pains and soreness, increase of emotional and physical well-being improvement.


Thai Herbal Compress Facial Massage - £30 for 30 minutes


The herbal facial compresses stimulate and improve blood and lymph circulation keeping skin healthy and invigorated. ... Once the face is warmed up with the Thai Herbal Compress Balls the Thai Facial Points are then stimulated with fingers. It is a very relaxing but energising treatment.


Thai Herbal Compress Back Massage - £45 for 30 minutes


Massage involves working the soft tissue of the body, to ease day-to-day stresses and muscular tension, and promote relaxation. It helps to increase delivery of blood and oxygen to the treated areas and can also be used in support of other therapies to assist in the rehabilitation of muscular injuries.


Exfoliating therapeutic back & arm treatment, followed by a relaxing massage - £50 for 45 minutes


A beautiful treatment if you have trouble reaching your back - Exfoliation of the back and arms, cleansing and toning, removed with hot towels and then finished off with a lovely back, neck and shoulder massage using my own therapeutic blends, made by myself, as a qualified aromatherapist.


Himalayan Rock Salt Back Massage - £40 for 30 minutes


With 84 naturally occurring minerals and salts that replenish the body's largest organ, the skin, you will feel your skin radiating during and after a Himalayan Salt Stone Therapy.  These salts and minerals are naturally antimicrobial and antibacterial, which helps to eliminate harmful toxins that build up in your body.  As the session progresses, your skin will become softer and more moisturised.


After your therapy it is said, you will likely experience:


Improved sleep.

Deep sense of relaxation.

Easier breathing.

Increased blood circulation.

Reduced signs of aging.

Glowing, healthy skin.


Like all therapies, the benefits of Himalayan Salt Stone massage are more beneficial and will heighten the benefits, if received on a regular basis.


Indian Head Massage - £40 for 30 minutes


Indian head massage, also known as 'Champissage' is a treatment that focuses on massaging acupressure points along the head, neck and shoulders, often using circular massage strokes to improve hair and scalp condition.

It originates from an Indian alternative medicine system called Ayurveda (science of life), whereby it is believed that the mind and body are intricately connected and thus can influence one another.  Through this theory it is understood that Indian head massage can not only reduce headaches and improve physical well-being, but it ca also improve Mental Health. 



Reflexology technique on the feet.  £45 for 60 minutes


Reflexology is a non-intrusive complementary therapy, suitable for all ages. I use my hands to massage the foot reflexes.  Reflexology is an ancient scientific therapy that dates back as far as Egyptian times. 


Modern day living creates all kinds of physical and emotional stresses and strains.  So many illnesses nowadays are stress related and it makes sense to find ways of coping with this draining condition.  Tension in the mind creates tension in the body, which over time can lead to various ailments.

Reflexology can play an important role in de-stressing the entire system because it induces deep relaxation and feelings of well-being.  As a result, reflexology can be highly effective in treating a large number of common health problems.


Specific areas on the feet and hands (the reflexes) correspond to different parts of the body and by applying pressure to all these reflexes in a sequence, the body's natural flow of energy is balanced, restored and maintained.  This increase in energy clears any congestion, removes toxins and encourages the body's own healing ability.


Benefits of Reflexology are:


 * Promotes relaxation, reducing stress and associated disorders.

 * Helps with spinal pain and muscular tension, headaches, migraines and general aches and                pains.

 * Aids healing in many common digestive, respiratory and circulatory disorders.

 * Helps release emotional imbalances such as, anxiety, depression and insomnia.

 * Balance hormonal conditions in women and can be invaluable throughout pregnancy and                    afterwards.

 * It is extremely therapeutic as a pre and post operative treatment.



Hopi Ear Candles - £25 for approx 30 minutes


Ear Candling - a traditional therapy used by the Ancient Greeks and popularised by Native American Indians, this therapy was handed down by many 'Shaman Healers'.


The ear candle is painlessly inserted into the outer ear canal (this is done by the client themselves, as they are in control of how far, the candle goes in), the client is fully clothed and lays comfortably on their side.  The ear candle is then lit.  The oils which are impregnated into the cotton, vaporises and are drawn down the hollow centre of the candle into the outer portion of the tube.


Ideal for sufferers of:  Headaches, Migraines, Tinnitus, Excessive Ear Wax, Glue Ear, Compacted Ear Wax and Snoring.



For persons who prefer a firmer massage or have a problematic area.


Deep Tissue, Shiatsu or Sports massage - £70 for 60 minutes 


If you're suffering from tensions and aches that cannot be solved by a classic Swedish massage then a deep tissue massage might be the answer you're looking for! During a deep tissue massage, the pressure is stronger and concentrated on the problematic area which might lead to a little bit of discomfort. It is worth it though as it helps alleviate the pain in the long term!  This is also a great relief for Sciatica sufferers.


Deep Tissue, Shiatsu or Sports Massage, focusing on a problematic  area - £45 for 30 minutes


Muscles that are heavily exercised lose their capacity to relax after contracting. Muscles work by contracting and relaxing alternately; however, heavily exercised muscles are unable to and this leads to chronically ‘tight’ muscles which are predisposed to injuries including muscle tears and pulls. Tight muscles are also associated with poor blood flow and this causes pain. Massage therapy is extremely useful in easing muscle tightness and improving blood flow in order to reduce pain.


Massage using CBD oil,  focusing on a problematic area - £45 for 30 minutes 


Using a good quality CBD oil in massage has many physical benefits, by having it massaged into the skin, it will help alleviate inflammation, reduce pain, improve blood pressure, improve the health and appearance of the skin and aid in muscle recovery. Great for people who are suffering from Sciatica.


Holistic Shiatsu/Acupressure Massage - £45 for 30 minutes


Shiatsu (means finger pressure, so not like your usual massage, where the movements connect with muscles & tissue. Shiatsu massage is connecting and clearing your Meridians system (energy pathways) these can become blocked or communication becomes stagnant. Pressure is applied along your meridians


Anti-Cellulite Massage, focusing on a problematic  area - £40 for 30 minutes


Cellulite refers to the bumps, dimples and lumps formed on the surface of the skin and is a condition affecting primarily women. When you have cellulite the tethers get stretched out and weak and you see a bulging of the fat coming up through the skin. This is what leads to the dimpling, lumpy appearance known as cellulite, lumpy-bumpy, cottage cheese and other names.


Dry brushing the skin will, help remove any dead skin cells and toxins that secrete through the pores of your skin. This method also increases blood flow in the area and decreases lymph fluid or build-up of toxins.  This specific Liposuction with the use of rollers is a technique, which will 'drain' the build up, in the specific area, where it is causing the cellulite.


This is a non-invasive treatment, but could be slightly painful, as I have to 'massage' deep.

Recommended every week, to welcome any noticeable difference.


Results vary with clients but results from an effective session can be seen instantly and the effects can last up to a few days. The recommendation is, usually ten sessions and this is required for optimal long-lasting results. This can be done, every two weeks.  After the initial ten sessions it is recommended that 'you' return for one session per month.


Pregnancy Massage (Prenatal or Postnatal) - £40 for 30 minutes


Offered after the first trimester and postnatal.  I have a massage chair, which is comfortable and safe for massaging the back.

Benefits of a pregnancy massage can decrease lower back and leg pain, lower anxiety or postnatal blues, will improve regular sleep patterns and will decrease stress hormones 

Many women suffer from depression during or after pregnancy and research has shown that a pregnancy massage, can increase the secretion of serotonin and dopamine in the person.  Decreasing stress will promote a better sense of well-being in individuals.


If you required 60 minutes of pampering, price will be advised on booking.


Lymphatic Drainage - full body to include face - £60 for 60 mins - £50 for 45 minutes 


A lymphatic drainage, is a gentle skin technique, that works with the underlying lymphatic system, which will stimulate the body's fluid circulation, this will then encourage the movement of lymph fluids around the body. The fluid in the lymphatic system helps remove waste and toxins from the bodily tissues, so detoxifies. Some health conditions can cause lymph fluid to build up, as they can interrupt the normal flow of lymph, causing lymph fluid to build up in a particular area of the body, often in the arms or legs, where it can causing swelling. This condition is called lymphedema.  A lymphatic drainage can help get this lymph flowing, unclogging pores and minimising puffy looking skin along the way. 


Aims to help with:  Cellulite.  Puffiness.  Swollen joints.  Scarring. Eczema.  Stress.  Poor immunity.

                                Fibromyalgia.  Digestive Problems.  Fatigue.  Insomnia.  Arthritis.  Migraine.


 It is recommended that you have 2/3 sessions in the first week. 



Hijama Cupping Treatment 


Hijama Cupping therapy has been used for thousands years, to ease back pain, neck pain, headaches and other problems.

The suction force from cupping breaks open tiny blood vessels under the skin. You will have round bruise-like marks that fade in a week or two.  The colour varies in each person, as it is the result, of encouraging tissues to release toxins, in the individual.



Hijama - Cupping treatment to the face -  £30 for 30 minutes.


Visible results after a few session, without the need for needles

After a few sessions, you will begin to notice improvements in their skin's texture, clarity, puffiness, and elasticity. Stimulate your cells  to produce and secrete collagen Face cupping works by using the pull of suction to boost circulation in the skin and muscles of your face.


Brightens & Strengthens Your Skin
Stimulates Cells Responsible For Collagen Reduction
Minimizes the Appearance of Fine Lines & Wrinkles
Decreases ‘Puffiness’


Hijama - Massage using cupping technique on back, tummy or back of legs - £45 for 30 mins


I will place cups on area chosen and using oil, the cups will slide easily, creating a much deeper massage.


Hijama - Cupping treatment - Basic detox treatment (using 8 cups) - £35


Hijama - Cupping treatment - Standard detox treatment (using 12 cups) - £40


Hijama - Cupping treatment - Advanced detox treatment (full back area) - £55


For a bespoke package on multiple areas, please ask for a cost.


Combination/bespoke packages...I have created these, but bespoke packages can be tailoured, further, for your needs


Lower leg & foot, or lower arm and hand massage -  £30 for 30 minutes.


This massage will help relax, reduce aches and pains and improve circulation.  Especially beneficial for arthritis or joint pain.   Please note this is not Reflexology.


Lower leg & foot massage, using hot stones - £50 for 60 minutes.


A beautiful treatment focusing on reflexology points, using hot stones.


Lower leg & foot massage incorporating reflexology - £55 for 70 minutes.


Another fabulous combination treatment...lower leg & foot massage, using the technique of refleology on your pressure points of the feet. 


Bespoke package, Back, neck, shoulders and head massage -  £50 for 45 minutes


A beautiful aromatherapy massage of the back, neck and shoulders, using my own mixed blend of oil, as a fully qualified aromatherapist.


Bespoke package of Reflexology & Indian Head Massage - £75 for 80 minutes.


Absolutely gorgeous bespoke package, I have devised, especially for YOU.

1 hour of Reflexology, followed by 20, minutes of an Indian Head Massage. 

Both therapies work on clearing blocks, in the Meridians (energy channels , as when these are 'clogged' up, they cause a build up of negativity.


Bespoke package of Reflexology & back massage - £75 for 80 minutes.


Another absolutely gorgeous bespoke package, I have devised, especially for YOU.

1 hour of Reflexology, followed by 20, minutes of a relaxing back massage. 


Reiki Massage - £65 for 1 hour

I will open myself up to receive Reiki energy and begein with a 30 minute, physical touch of a gentle, relaxing back, shoulder and neck massage and I will finish the last 30 minutes with the    intention to guide the flow of healthy energy to reduce stress and promote healing which will take you to a further, deep place of peace...You will receive Reiki throughout this beautiful treatment.


Combination Healing - 2 x 30 minutes £70


This is an opportunity for you to sample different therapies, this will enable you to feel what is best for you.  So you could choose 30 mins of back massage, followed by 30 mins of reflexology.  Or choose a different combination.

Integration of Massage Therapies - £80 for 60 minutes

"Combine any effective massage therapies, by integrating more than one style or technique of massage...have a chat with me, to create your own personal package...   It can combine techniques from Swedish, aromatherapy, Shiatsu, deep tissue massage, or reflexology. These combinations are used to tailor the massage towards your personal preferences and specific needs".



                               I will work with you, to create a better future for yourself.

                       As a therapist I cannot diagnose or claim to cure any medical conditions. 

              Please do not expect to be 'healed', after one treatment, the therapies are                                                                                  ongoing.


    I do offer home visits, this is for people who cannot physically come to me, however, this will be determined by what therapy you choose, i hope you can appreciate I cannot accomodate every therapy, due to certain equipment being carried by myself to your home or specified equipment being needed. 

There will be an additional £5, added to any therapy, due to taking me away from my therapy room.  If you are further than Porthmadog and immediate, surrounding areas, there will be additional fuel costs.


     Animal therapies are given in your own home, this is to prevent further stress to the animal.



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